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Business Law

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How We Can Help

Tumer & Sharif specializes in working for small to medium sized businesses, including start-ups and recent acquisitions. We offer small business attorney services in Southern California that can help with the majority of business planning and deal with most business problems.

From forming your corporation in a tax-friendly, easy to control way to helping you sell your business, we do it all.

And we can handle any hiccups that happen along the way, including nuisance lawsuits, investors, contracts, employee relations and tax planning.

We believe in getting it right the first time and setting up your business to avoid future problems. But we are here to help if any problems do crop up.

helping your Business

Business Attorney for Small Business in Orange County, California

Contracts And Transactions

Businesses carry out transactions and make agreements all the time. Tumer & Sharif tailor contracts for your particular matter, placing your interest at heart while still protecting you by covering all the bases. Our business contract attorneys draft a wide range of legal contracts, including sales contracts, employment agreements, franchise agreements, lease contracts, distribution agreements, venue agreements, shareholder agreements, and more. Tumer & Sharif has helped many businesses with their customer, vendor, and investor relationships. You always want to have the agreement in writing, covering all of the issues. We know how to write a strong contract that will keep your business safe and we know the questions to ask that may not have come to your mind.

Business Litigation

Our small business attorneys represent clients in California civil, state, and federal courts. Our main focus is business defense litigation. When a business is served with a complaint we are ready to defend you. Being sued is a stressful experience and we work hard to minimize the harm both emotionally and financially. Throughout the lawsuit we are in constant contact with our clients to keep them informed about the process. It is said that 95% of cases are dismissed or settled before trial. The reasons for this are many. Among these, is providing a solid defense with legal research that is thorough, and proper negotiation techniques and strategy. Our goal is to win your case with the least cost to you as soon as possible. Our fair billing policy ensures that you only get billed for true hours worked. We will not bill you for duplicate work as other firms do, research, motions and paperwork that we have done before. We know that you are in business to make money not to waste it, and your interest is at the heart of our practice. We do our research, we work hard, and we fight vigorously to defend you. Entering litigation territory is a complicated process. There are many factors to consider while fighting a case and our firm is dedicated to navigating these waters with the transparency a business person deserves. Making the right choices depends on having all the information possible and together with our clients we lay out all pathways that help seek the desired destination. Our business litigation attorneys keep clients informed every step of the way, and they’re always a simple phone call away. If you have found yourself in the midst of a lawsuit do not hesitate to reach out to Tumer and Sharif.

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”

plan of action

Starting and building a new business

Starting a new business has a lot of moving parts. You want to build your vision, reach out to the world with your product or service while staying legally compliant. Tumer and Sharif’s California small business attorneys will guide you through business startup, whether you are seeking to enter a partnership or open a corporation or need assistance acquiring licenses, permits, or registrations. We pride ourselves on being attorneys for small and medium-sized businesses with ranging from 1 to 1000 employees. We are aware of the common issues affecting businesses today and can help you avoid the many pitfalls.
Corporations and LLCs Among other things, creating a limited liability entity can protect you from individual liability. The benifits in limited liability companies do not just stop there. Depending on the form ( C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, etc) your buiness can see varying tax benefits and savings. Choosing the proper form for you and your business is crucial and If done wrong you may face higher taxes and liabilities. Tumer & Sharif guide you through the formation process, informing you on the proper business form for you and your company and prepare and file all necessary documentation to get your entity off the ground.

we are part of the family. all the way through.

We only care about your success.
you are not alone

our professional services Include:

As businesses required many types of legal services we do our best to accommodate our clients with full business legal service.

Issues that may arise in Business law


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